2) configure doamain (config.exe is in ${WL_HOME}/wlserver_12_1/common/bin)
3) start WebLogic. Start http://localhost:7001/console/ log in with your username and pssword that you configured in step2. Configure your datasources.
4) stop Weblogic and put the dependencies in your WebLogic domain folder ${WL_HOME}/${YOUR_DOMAIN}/lib. Dependencies are unpacked http://sourceforge.net/projects/lportal/files/Liferay Portal/6.1.1 GA2/ look for the file here liferay-portal-dependencies...zip These include hsql.jar , portal-services.jar and portlet.jar
5) Give your WebLogic more memory (setEnv.cmd), change to -Xmx11024m and -XX:MaxPermSize512m
6) Start your weblogic domain again. Go to http://localhost:7001/console/ log in and go to deployments. Install your liferay-war as application. Liferay.war can be downloaded for example http://sourceforge.net/projects/lportal/files/Liferay Portal/6.1.1 GA2/ (look for liferay-portal-6.1.1....war in this folder) Don't worry about the errors when parsing asset_publisher
21.06.2013 10:42 Uhr MESZ> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101342> <liferay-portal-6.1.1: Error(s) encountered while precompiling JSP jspURI configuration.jsp:17:18: Error in "init.jsp" at line 249: The code of method _jspService(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) is exceeding the 65 535 bytes limit <%@ include file="/html/portlet/asset_publisher/init.jsp" %> ^--------------------------------------^ >
and don't worry about timeout exception
21.06.2013 10:45 Uhr MESZ> <Error> <Console> <BEA-240003> <Administration Console encountered the following error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Time out waiting for completion at weblogic.management.provider.internal.ActivateTaskImpl.waitForCompletion(ActivateTaskImpl.java:402)
Start adding your portlet wars by putting them into deploy folder near your domain folder
7) If you are using spring with liferay and updating to liferay 6.1.1, than you need to be aware, that your web applications won't start properly. You might wonder, why no matter what you do, your spring context is initilialized AFTER portlet context, so that your spring controler Portlets have nothing to work with.
Don't let yourself be fret with this. You need to patch liferay yourself. Just build it from sources and add the patch from LIFERAY github repository
It happens becasue when you are putting your web.xml packaged in war file in deploy folder, than liferay takes it and massages it. And due to that bug in 6.1.1 it doesn't put Spring listener before PortletContextListener. So Spring gets initiliazed, but only after portlets.
to build the patched war locally (from your checked out local folder {LIFERAY_FROM_SOURCES/portal}):
ant -f build-dist.xml zip-portal-war
to build dependencies (from your checked out local folder
ant -f build-dist.xml zip-portal-dependencies
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